in Charleroi, PA. The plant not only created PYREX items for local community events, but also made commemorative pieces for employees, marketing events and trade shows. Employees also received unique PYREX gifts for Christmas and were able to purchase test designs and production mistakes in the company store. These unique and sometimes
one-of-a-kind items typically command top dollar in online auctions.
in 1970 on Daisy, Verdé and Horizon Blue and employees received a complimentary
Pixie Dish at the Plant Service Dinner. Likewise, in 1964, when small restaurantware “cereal bowls” (model #1416) were launched, employees received a commemorative bowl with gold lettering stating “50 Years of Better Tasting Meals” on one side and “Corning, 11-5-64, Charleroi” on the other.
The solid blue 473 round casserole was produced as an employee appreciation item recognizing "Excellence." The front contains the text, "Corning Glass Works, Blue Chip Week, April 21-27, 1963" while the back reads, "Charleroi Family Day April 27, 1963."

443 cinderella bowl. The bowls reads, "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year" on one side while the other side (shown) has red ribbons and white holly leaves.
Recenly an ebay seller in Charleroi, PA, whose parents worked at the plant unearthed a case of another version of the bowl with orange ribbons, instead of white, which was likely a test design.